I BUlieve
NEVER BEFORE HAS IT BEEN MORE IMPORTANT TO STOP AND ASK OURSELVES, “WHAT DO I TRULY BELIEVE”?Broadcasting out of Malibu, CA, this podcast series explores the significance and impact of our beliefs on our lives and our world. Meaning “B and believe in U”, the I BULIEVE series invites listeners and featured guests to consider what we truly believe and how those beliefs shape our worlds. Join hosts, Jules Williams & Alison Pothier - each an intuitive coach, filmmaker and storyteller - as they share insights and their call to action: “NOW IT’S YOUR TURN, WHAT DO YOU BULIEVE?”
I BUlieve
5. I BUlieve: The "Time Discernment" Episode
Jules Williams & Alison Pothier
Season 1
Episode 5
In this episode of IBULIEVE, husband and wife duo, Alison Pothier and Jules Williams, invite listeners to forge a new relationship with time. In the tug-of-war between the analog and digital, time to discern each is necessary to forge a balanced relationship with both.
Links referenced in this episode:
The Weigh Forward Kindle Book
Excerpt from the original song and composition by Deepak Ramapryian