I BUlieve
NEVER BEFORE HAS IT BEEN MORE IMPORTANT TO STOP AND ASK OURSELVES, “WHAT DO I TRULY BELIEVE”?Broadcasting out of Malibu, CA, this podcast series explores the significance and impact of our beliefs on our lives and our world. Meaning “B and believe in U”, the I BULIEVE series invites listeners and featured guests to consider what we truly believe and how those beliefs shape our worlds. Join hosts, Jules Williams & Alison Pothier - each an intuitive coach, filmmaker and storyteller - as they share insights and their call to action: “NOW IT’S YOUR TURN, WHAT DO YOU BULIEVE?”
I BUlieve
6. I BUlieve: The "I Cannot Believe" Episode
Jules Williams & Alison Pothier
Season 1
Episode 6
Sharing their story of how an "I Cannot Believe" moment lead to an "I BUlieve" marriage, husband and wife duo, Alison Pothier and Jules Williams , discuss how sometimes, reconciling our resistances to BUlieve, restores our ability to BUlieve. By accepting what we don't believe or simply cannot believe, sometimes opens our hearts to BUlieving.
Links referenced in this episode:
The Weigh Forward Kindle Book
Excerpt from the original song and composition by Deepak Ramapryian